[rev_slider_vc alias=”web-survey”]

Setting in the tool

Sending of the mail

Receiving of the mail

Viewing the results

Setting in the tool

Sending of the mail

Receiving of the mail

Viewing the results

1. Setting in the tool for:

  • Defining the characteristics of the Touch Point;
  • Configuration of questions and introduction mail;
  • Configuration of other parameters like black list, various controls, reminder etc…

1. Setting in the tool for:

Defining the characteristics of the Touch Point;
Configuration of questions and introduction mail;
Configuration of other parameters like black list, various controls, reminder etc…

2. Mail sending

Right after uploading the file containing contacts the algorithm checks content and distributes records between calls and web surveys.

2. Mail sending

Right after uploading the file containing contacts the algorithm checks content and distributes records between calls and web surveys.

3. Client receives the mail

The client receives the introduction mail containing the link to the survey.

3. Client receives the mail

The client receives the introduction mail containing the link to the survey.

4. Data immediately available

The results, score and feedback are immediately available in the reporting tool.

4. Data immediately available

The results, score and feedback are immediately available in the reporting tool.

Contact us

We will gladly respond to any queries that you have regarding the Web Survey tool. Our team is at your disposal.